San Francisco Hypnotherapy
Mandala Institute for Holistic Mental Health
Holistic Frameworks
Beyond Pathology and Disorder.
Beyond Labels and Belief.
Beyond Polarities and Oppositional Thinking.
We Get How All the Parts Support the Whole.
First Principles Thinking
First Principles Thinking is a Dynamic, Evidenced-based Process for Challenging Assumptions about Mental Health and Solving Complex Problems.
We Do This by Breaking Down What We Know into the Most Basic Elements and Reassembling Them From the Ground Up. We Take Nothing for Granted.
Embodied Wisdom
Healing is a Wisdom Path.
We Teach and Support Approaches to Healing that Help You Clear the Past, Become Deeply Present, Walk a Path of Conscious Self-Evolution, and Create a Deeply Fulfilling Life.
San Francisco Hypnotherapy and Mandala Institute are a mission-driven social enterprise committed to transforming the way people think, feel, and live. We are committed to the evolution of Mental Health systems into more intuitive, natural, truly holistic systems.
Most importantly we are committed to teaching Emotional Healing as an Applied Technology and a Wisdom Practice.
Our Work is to empower you with tools to heal yourself, be free of what doesn't serve you and to connect with your own natural, open, clarity and wisdom.
In the words of a recent client, "I have learned that I have the power to let things go on my own. I have the power to really relax my body, to express love and gratitude where I would otherwise find it difficult, and overall to connect with myself and my potential."
We Collaborate with other for-profit, non-profit and governmental organizations, to develop effective and cutting edge holistic mental health programs and educational initiatives.
We Support Inuit mental health both in Nunavut and in southern Canada through special projects and collaborations with the Municipality of Cambridge Bay, the Arctic Rose Foundation, the Toronto Inuit Association, and the Mamisarvik Healing Centre. Through these relationships we contribute models of individual and collective healing to Inuit-driven conversations and initiatives already unfolding around decolonization and healing.
Andrew Gentile
For nearly 20 years I've been using my understanding of the subconscious mind and the interplay of thoughts, emotions, behaviours and human physiology to help clients understand the root causes of their suffering and to coach them through transforming themselves at the deepest level.
As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Medical Hypnotherapist since 2003, with a B.Sc. in Biochemistry, and an M.Sc. in Environmental Management, I bring a deep body of knowledge and variety of perspectives to help you make the changes you've been seeking.
Through my work with clients, I've come to keenly understand the influence of the psychological and emotional environments in which we grow up. Culture, religion, financial abundance or scarcity, the mental health and mindset of our parents - these all form parts of our environment and directly influence how we develop our adult assumptions, expectations, attitudes, perceptions, as well as coping and defense mechanisms.
My further studies and experiences with nutritional counseling, homeopathy, energy work, mediumship, shamanic healing and various traditional healing systems and philosophies from around the globe have allowed me an incredible flexibility to effectively work with clients of any background or belief system.
Andrew Michael Nolan
I'm fascinated with how people can harness their creative power to change their lives for the better. The intersection of psychology, spirituality, and holistic approaches to healing continues to move and inspire me. My work is targeted, multidisciplinary and effective.
My over two decades of study and experience in the healing arts, coupled with my intuitive, holistic and multi-dimensional approach to health and wellness consistently brings powerful breakthroughs to my clients. Hypnotherapy sessions with me include a robust educational component.
I’m a certified hypnotherapist with both hypnotherapy and advanced hypnotherapy certifications, a certified Kundalini yoga instructor and am trained in Permaculture Design, which lends me lends an expanded framework for healing that includes the interrelationships between the health of the individual, the family, society, and the environment.
My holistic approach to working with you allows you multiple angles from which to engage experience healing and transformation. I incorporate the best perspectives of mind-body healing approaches from around the world to support, enrich, and deepen your results.